Photos & Musings

Monday, August 20, 2012

True Blood Ep. 59 Running Diary/Recap

9:04:  Creepy Bill wonders around the authority as someone calls out his name, saying “Bill…Bill…it you suck me I will come.”  Surprise, surprise, it isn’t Shoeless Joe Jackson, but Lilith instead, who is still doing her best impression of the inside of a strawberry jam doughnut (I continue to wonder if they don’t have indoor plumbing in the vampire afterlife).  She tells Bill that he is Anakin Skywalker and must drink all of her remaining rape-whistle blood (see previous recap) in order to be empowered to set his people free.  Bill, for no clear reason, flees from her and the seemingly very thing he has wanted for the past several episodes.

9:08:  Nora and Salome make-out…did I have any doubt that this was going to happen once they got within six inches of each other?  No, I did not.

9:10:  Bill says to Jessica “do you think I am an idiot?” in reference to her attempt to try to trick him into thinking she is willing to make Jason into a vampire.  I hate to break it to Bill but all of America thinks you are an idiot at this point, and it has nothing to do with this subplot line.

9:12:  Nora, having finally come to the realization that everyone else in the Authority, except Eric is bat shit crazy, goes to him to confess her sorrow over Godric as well as her new found enlightenment regarding mainstreaming…they also get-in a nice nooner, in what I can only deem as the clear front-runner for Best-Way-To-Deal-With-Extreme-Emotional-Trauma-Over-The-Death-of-Your-Surrogate-Father.

9:14:  Sookie discusses the trouble she is having dealing with being sold to a vampire 300 years ago and how it is “kind of strange.”  I feel like on a True Blood scale of strange this only ranks around a 3/10.  Really, Sookie has been having a pretty low-key couple of weeks. 

9:19:  General Whoever visits the Authority underground and threatens the vampires with footage of Russell and the Reverend devouring the frat boys form last week’s episode.  Eric strategically murders him in order to get Nora and himself away from the clutches of the Authority, on the obviously transparent excuse/mission of glamouring every human who has seen the footage.  I take a moment to think about what would really happen if humans and vampires were on the verge of war.  Would humans try to institute a Vampire Registration Act?  Would I support it?  Would humans lose a lot of lives early on but win in the end?  Most of these vampires don’t seem all that bright…I think we could take them.

9:22:  Pam explains to Tara about the religio-political nature of the vampire Authority and Tara ask her if it’s “like the Vatican?”  I think this was a perfectly good waste of an opportunity for Tara to say “like the Fangtican?”

9:24:  Jessica comes to Pam and Tara after having successfully escaping Bill’s security detail and asks them to hide her from Bill/the Authority.  I automatically think how cool a Pam/Tara/Jessica Charlie’s Angels inspired subplot line about a Sanguinista-fighting vampire gal pal group would be, though I’m not holding my breath on that one.  Being vampires, they probably aren’t either.   

9:26:  Eric and Nora stake their captors.  Hooray!

9:27:  I officially decide the Faerie elder is amazing based on the following three things she says to Sookie: “Ke$ha: for or against?”; “that’s the reason that you slut you heart out to every cute guy out there with fangs”; and “RUSSELL EDGINGTON IS ALIVE?  RUSSELL EDGINGTON IS ALIVE?”

9:33:  Alcede scolds his father for previously stealing money from his wolf pack and asks him “whatever happened to pack first?”  Round one of this father-son guilt fest goes to shirtless Alcede, who definitely knows all about putting the pack first.

9:35:  Sookie and Jason discuss their plans to deal with Russell Edgington, and the audience gets its first non-creepy use of the phrase “I love you” between a brother and sister.  Nora and Erica; Jamie and Cersei; and Deb and Dexter, all look on disapprovingly.

9:42:  Alcede, clearly unconcerned by potential brain-cancer-inducing microwave waves, watches soup warm as a group of vampires attack the outside of his father’s trailer park paradise.  The two finally get a hallmark moment after Alcede’s father saves his life.  I guess that advances their storyline, or something.

9:43:  More Sam/Luna/Emma storyline that seems to have no real fit with the rest of the show, but at least a lot of people are naked.

9:47:  We find out that - much like how religion and history have played out in the human world - in the vampire world, god also has a knack for leading a variety of different people to believe that they are chosen people.  This results in Bill beheading another Authority member who had the audacity to contradict Bill’s rightful place at Lilith’s right hand.  Bill has officially lost it and frankly I wouldn't mind if they killed-off his character at this point.

9:49:  Jason leads Russell and the Reverend to the Faerie night club, where they run around like puppies chasing cars, until the Faerie elder comes out from the club’s cloak of invisibility to confront Russell.  This does not go well, as Russell defeats the elder due mostly in part to Jason’s failure-to-not-get-far-enough-away-from-Russell-after-being-let-go-leaving-him-easily-accessible-to-be-used-as-a-human-shield-moments-later.  The Least Stupid Stackhouse Sibling Award goes back to Sookie as the episode closes.

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